netgear r6300v2 dd wrt kong
netgear r6300v2 dd wrt kong

IhaveflashedittoDD-WRTwithKong'sbuild,seemsgotthesameresult,wanportcan'twork.anothernewfoundistheCPUtemperatureisveryhigh,after ...,IamcurrentlylocatedinShanghai,ChinaandfromtheabovepostsIamnewtoDDWRTandIswitchedfromnetgearr6300v2firmwaretoDD-WRT...

Latest secure stable BS build for Netgear r6300v2 - DD

Irun4NGr6300v2'sinmyrouterstack.They'vebeenstableandreliable.ButIanstillusingaKongbuildfrom2018.SadIt'scertainlytime ...

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I have flashed it to DD-WRT with Kong's build,seems got the same result ,wan port can't work. another new found is the CPU temperature is very high ,after ...

View topic - Support for netgear R6300 R6300v2 - DD

I am currently located in Shanghai, China and from the above posts I am new to DDWRT and I switched from netgear r6300v2 firmware to DD-WRT v3.0 ...

View topic - [SOLVED] Netgear R6300v2 COX - DD

The model is R6300v2 but it is a Cox-specific version. That's why it won't accept the usual R6300v2 firmware.                  

Latest secure stable BS build for Netgear r6300v2 - DD

I run 4 NG r6300v2's in my router stack. They've been stable and reliable. But I an still using a Kong build from 2018. Sad It's certainly time ...

Kong's new build DD-WRT v3.0

Did a complete Netgear firmware and then the latest dd-wrt kongac ver (r32170M) entered all manually. All was good for 3 days then back to rebooting on its own.

View topic - Support for netgear R6300 R6300v2 - DD

Just got a Charter version Netgear R6300v2 But there is no Initial firmware anymore on Kong's site, ...

Netgear R6300v2 - DD

From stock Netgear firmware to DD-WRT on a R6300v2: Turn on router, wait for Power light to go solid green, then reset router. R6300v2 Versions · Flashing Instructions · Initial DD-WRT Installation

Netgear R6300V2 簡易開箱(第7頁)

DDWRT kong 已經不幹了,他把整個kong 版網站也關閉了。 ... Update, 67樓有提供官方新下載位置...          

DD-WRT for R6300R6300v2

All builds include ddup util, which allows update checking and flashing of the following models: Netgear EX6200, Netgear AC1450, Netgear R6250, Netgear R6300V2.

Kong Downloads

Kong Downloads ; DD-WRT Kong Mod for NETGEAR R6300v2 (2018-02), 2/19/18, DD-WRT for R6300/R6300v2 ; DD-WRT Kong Mod for NETGEAR R6300v2 (2017-11-01 CHK), 11/1/17 ...


IhaveflashedittoDD-WRTwithKong'sbuild,seemsgotthesameresult,wanportcan'twork.anothernewfoundistheCPUtemperatureisveryhigh,after ...,IamcurrentlylocatedinShanghai,ChinaandfromtheabovepostsIamnewtoDDWRTandIswitchedfromnetgearr6300v2firmwaretoDD-WRTv3.0 ...,ThemodelisR6300v2butitisaCox-specificversion.That'swhyitwon'taccepttheusualR6300v2firmware.         ,Irun4NGr6300v2'sinmyrouterstack.They'veb...